full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alexandra Auer: The intangible effects of walls

Unscramble the Blue Letters

When the Berlin Wall was being bluit, it was hard to tell who the wall was faicng, because the people living around it identified as one. There was no us and them. There was no others. During the time of separation, both sides developed differently and formed individual ittnieedis. All of a sdduen, there was an us and a them. A mental wall was built, and when the Berlin Wall fell again in 1989, this mental wall in the head of the pelpoe stayed. Eastern Germans had to be reintegrated into their own country, and even though they didn't have to move places, many still today feel like they have never flluy arrived. Those remaining effects of the metanl wall are also measurable.

Open Cloze

When the Berlin Wall was being _____, it was hard to tell who the wall was ______, because the people living around it identified as one. There was no us and them. There was no others. During the time of separation, both sides developed differently and formed individual __________. All of a ______, there was an us and a them. A mental wall was built, and when the Berlin Wall fell again in 1989, this mental wall in the head of the ______ stayed. Eastern Germans had to be reintegrated into their own country, and even though they didn't have to move places, many still today feel like they have never _____ arrived. Those remaining effects of the ______ wall are also measurable.


  1. sudden
  2. people
  3. built
  4. mental
  5. facing
  6. fully
  7. identities

Original Text

When the Berlin Wall was being built, it was hard to tell who the wall was facing, because the people living around it identified as one. There was no us and them. There was no others. During the time of separation, both sides developed differently and formed individual identities. All of a sudden, there was an us and a them. A mental wall was built, and when the Berlin Wall fell again in 1989, this mental wall in the head of the people stayed. Eastern Germans had to be reintegrated into their own country, and even though they didn't have to move places, many still today feel like they have never fully arrived. Those remaining effects of the mental wall are also measurable.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
mental wall 11
mental walls 4
berlin wall 3
physical walls 3
people living 3
build walls 2
walls empower 2
gated communities 2

Important Words

  1. arrived
  2. berlin
  3. built
  4. country
  5. developed
  6. differently
  7. eastern
  8. effects
  9. facing
  10. feel
  11. fell
  12. formed
  13. fully
  14. germans
  15. hard
  16. head
  17. identified
  18. identities
  19. individual
  20. living
  21. measurable
  22. mental
  23. move
  24. people
  25. places
  26. reintegrated
  27. remaining
  28. separation
  29. sides
  30. stayed
  31. sudden
  32. time
  33. today
  34. wall